God Is Watching Over To Do His Will In Perplexing Times

We are living in a strange time of history, 2020, when the coronavirus has engulfed the whole world, bringing with it dismay, distancing, and in some cases despair. We are dismayed because no one really knows enough about this virus to tell us the truth. We wander from one report to another, desiring to be able to really believe what we are told, but all the time knowing there is another opinion stated as loudly and forcefully as the opposite one we just heard!

What do we do in such a world? We have had some discussions about just what this can mean for a true believer and follower of Jesus Christ, and have come to the simple conclusion that our part is to daily seek the Lord and HIS wisdom, fully commit our lives to Him, and “do the next thing.” Life has to continue as long as we are on this earth, and as believers we must know in our heart of hearts that our Lord has a real purpose for us to live daily… He has planned good works in advance for us to do from before the foundation of the world! Ephesians 2:10.

In this dilemma, we need to learn to be attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He leads us into these good works planned in advance for us to obey, and we need to rest in the fact that our Sovereign God knows every detail about every single soul living on earth, and has plans for us! Move forward, dear brother or sister, in the knowledge that no virus or other calamity can undo God’s plans for His children. We follow Him even in dismaying, or especially in dismaying and perplexing times because He is watching over us to reveal His will for us and to help us to do it!

By Mary Fawcett

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